We are grateful for the support provided to our traditional programs over many years by our partners

The MasterCard Foundation The partnership between Boulder Institute and The MasterCard Foundation has two important elements: To develop The MasterCard Foundation Symposium on Financial Inclusion and to support Boulder in updating our Microfinance Trainings. Additionally, through its Scholars Program, The Foundation provides training and development to microfinance practitioners, including sending participants to Boulder’s MFT Program.
CGAP The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) has supported the Boulder MFT programs for close to 20 years by sponsoring participation for their member donor organizations’ staff. Also, CGAP staff are a key part of the Boulder MFT faculty and the organization contributes relevant educational materials for the program.
CAF The Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) has supported the Spanish language Boulder MFT Program for over 5 years through an important cooperation agreement. Every year, CAF sponsors Boulder MFT participation for several of their strategic partners, with the goal of capacity building in the LAC region.
AFD The Agence Française de Développement (AFD), through its Capacity Building Department (CEFEB) and its global agency network, brings its technical and pedagogical expertise to the Boulder MFT Program in French. AFD also contributes to the availability of knowledge and literature in the francophone microfinance industry.


Boulder Institute has partnered with FAO, with support of the CABFIN Partnership, to develop the capacities of institutions and their professionals working to increase the availability and understanding of financial services that meet the needs of farming families in developing countries.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is partnering with Boulder Institute to develop a new program for experienced financial inclusion professionals. It is designed to increase understanding of macro-level risks faced in competitive markets, as well as the appropriate strategic responses. IFC is a member of the World Bank Group focused on the private sector, while Boulder institute is an NGO working globally to offer executive training for the microfinance industry.
ILO The International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC-ILO) has collaborated with Boulder Institute since 2005 in organizing the English and French language Boulder MFT programs. The MFT is held on the ITC-ILO campus in Turin and they provide multi-lingual staff support, training expertise, and resources which have helped the programs to continue to grow over the past decade.