Welcome to Boulder Institute of Microfinance
We are in the process of redesigning our program offerings for release in 2024 to better respond to the requirements of an ever-changing field. Please check in a few months to see what we are planning and to reserve a spot. We hope to return to in-person events once conditions have stabilized.
In the meantime, please look below at our offerings from the past two years to gain a sense of the content, faculty, and participants we gather in our programs that operate in English, French, and Spanish.
Digital Transformation of Microfinance Institutions (DT-MFIs)
Addresses the challenges MFIs face when the move from analog to digital systems and how they strengthen their relationships with clients in a digital age.
This program takes a strategic approach to digital transformation in client relationships, channels, business models, and the looks at the human dimension of building the capacity to innovate and lead change.
Rural and Agricultural Finance: The digital dimension (RAFP)
Addresses the digital innovations that are being applied to the provision of financial services to rural farming families and the broader commercial ecosystem in which they operate, with a special emphasis on the role of women headed households.
We will take a client – centric approach to building an inclusive financial eco-system that supports farmer’s participation in local and international value chains, e-commerce and agritech platforms, and green finance initiatives.
Programa de Transformación Digital de las IMFs (DT-MFIs)
Aborda los desafíos que enfrentan las IMF cuando pasan de sistemas analógicos a digitales y cómo fortalecen sus relaciones con los clientes en la era digital.
Este programa adopta un enfoque estratégico para la transformación digital en las relaciones con los clientes, los canales, los modelos comerciales y analiza la dimensión humana de desarrollar la capacidad para innovar y liderar el cambio.
Programme de Transformation Numérique des IMFs (DT-MFIs)
Aborde les défis auxquels les IMF sont confrontées lors du passage des systèmes analogiques aux systèmes numériques et comment elles renforcent leurs relations avec les clients à l’ère numérique.
Ce programme adopte une approche stratégique de la transformation numérique dans les relations clients, les canaux, les modèles commerciaux et examine la dimension humaine du renforcement de la capacité à innover et à conduire le changement.
Microfinance Training Program: Key issues in financial inclusion (MFT)
Addresses the key issues facing our financial inclusion community as we recover from the first impacts of COVID-19 and seek to resume strong growth.
We will tackle techniques for building a client – centered growth strategy, discuss the ethical and practical trade-offs connected to social performance and client protection, and the challenge of leading change in a rapidly changing environment.
Back to Boulder Program: Moving From COVID-19 to Growth (B2B)
In partnership with the International Finance Corporation / IFC we bring together C-suite executives and board members in an interactive forum to discuss how leading organizations are preparing for a post-COVID future.